SPOTLIGHT | 2020 | August
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I quit dance for a short period of time to focus on acting and film. I was in a couple of independent movies in NYC when I was in my early twenties that were accepted into the NYC film fest.
Can you share a memory of Michael?
I had heard of Michael from going to BDC. After moving to this area I found out he was teaching locally. I researched his work and was very impressed by his artistry and story telling. It wasn’t your typical competition routine that I was watching.
Why/when did you start dancing? And why are you still dancing?
I started dancing at the age of three because I used to walk on my tippy toes, the doctor recommended I take ballet to stretch my Achilles and retrain my feet. By the age of 10 I fell in love with it and ended up moving away from home at the age of 14 to study at a well known ballet school. My professional career ended at 25 and I realized I loved teaching more than performing. I have dedicated the rest of my career studying and learning new ways to train and strengthen my dancers.
Do you have any advice for young dancers today?
DON’T miss BALLET even if it is not your favorite class. You can be naturally talented but if you do not have a strong foundation there is no way you will advance or sustain what you have.
Where do you find inspiration?
My inspiration comes from other teachers, coaches, and even students. I believe you can always grow and learn and become a better, more effective teacher by watching and taking class.
Who is your favorite dancer, company, or choreographer?
My favorite company is Alvin Ailey. I trained and performed with them under the direction of Judith Jamison in my early twenties and it was eye opening. My favorite piece was and still is Revelations.
What are you most looking forward to this year at SDC?
I’m looking forward to molding the SDC students into technically smart dancers. I love not only training my dancers but educating them as well, in anatomy and physiology, how the body works and why we move the way we do. I can’t wait for this new adventure!
Visit the website to learn more about Bethany and the rest of the SDC faculty!