BLOG | 2020 | September
As SDC prepares to open in September, we’d like to take a moment to share our COVID-19 protocols. Our first priority is to create and maintain a safe environment for all dancers.
Masks will be worn by all teachers and students.
Temperature will be checked upon arrival.
Each studio will be divided into 6x6 boxes for the dancers to social distance while in class.
No hanging out permitted in the lobby unless you have a reason to speak to an SDC employee.
Hand sanitizer will be available in each studio and at the entrances.
Sneakers/flip-flops will be removed once dancers enter the studio.
Only 5 dancers in the dressing room at a time.
Floors, bars, and accessories will be wiped down after each class.
Dancers will not switch rooms for class, just the teachers.
Enhanced cleaning.
Students will each have their own personal cubby.
Please contact the studio if you have any questions or concerns.